Forget the embarrassment of being sentimental. I'm on 'spring break' right now from law school and finally got to go to the beach with Rachel and the boys. Lennon couldn't believe that I wasn't going to school. He wouldn't leave my side and was so excited that I was actually going to do something. He showed me everything I had been missing--catching waves with arm floaters, chasing birds, running in the ocean until you trip and (his favorite) surfing on Milk Toast's body board. It's crazy how a 3 year old with no thought or social skill can make you feel like the most important person in the world. Everything you do or say is perfect to them. I know that Lennon trusts me on a level that I have never experienced. If I told him to jump out of a moving car--he would. I'm convinced that not many people will experience a love like our love. I would bleed myself dry for this kid. I'm old enough now to realize that I am living in a moment that I will miss. I realized today, for the first time, that I will lose the Lennon I have right now. I feel like I'm losing certain parts of him that I really enjoy, without either of us having a choice. Strange to have a gift that is so amazing but fleeting. I have to appreciate this phase and write it down while I'm feeling it, in hopes that it will bring the feeling back when I need it. I hope that there are even better things to come that I haven't experienced yet. Thanks for making me feel love, fear and mostly hope.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
This photo is priceless... thank you Sheree.
I can't get enough of this little guy. This picture just says it all. He is truly the happiest kid on Earth. I really do think he really wanted to be here and he really appreciates life and every breath. He is always teaching me. Strange how such a little guy can teach me so much.
I am so grateful for my boys. I think about this experience (being away and in law school) and I feel so blessed every day to have them BOTH in my life. Lately I have felt extra gratitude for my little miracle and I never want to forget what a miracle that was. I took Holden to the pediatrician out here for his 18 month shots and it is always so cool to hear the doctors response after I tell them Holden's story. They are always blown away.
Holden is progressing so well. He has seen all his development doctors out here and they tell me he is testing a month in advance. Such good news. His heart has normal function and has been off the meds since October.
He loves his brother Lennon. They wrestle all day long. Holden has the best gut-wrenching laugh. You can't help but laugh when you hear it. He says Mommy and dada, Uh-oh, ahhhhh (when he is hungry he opens is mouth and says ahh. So funny), he eats all day long, says dog, ball, etc. He is on the normal growth chart and is hitting 35% for both weight and height and of course 98% head.
If I could have seen this post two years ago I probably would have passed out. I never imagined I would be so blessed. I hope I will never, ever forget what a real blessing this guy is to our family. I am grateful for him and that trial.
Holden... you are the BOMB buddy.
I can't get enough of this little guy. This picture just says it all. He is truly the happiest kid on Earth. I really do think he really wanted to be here and he really appreciates life and every breath. He is always teaching me. Strange how such a little guy can teach me so much.
I am so grateful for my boys. I think about this experience (being away and in law school) and I feel so blessed every day to have them BOTH in my life. Lately I have felt extra gratitude for my little miracle and I never want to forget what a miracle that was. I took Holden to the pediatrician out here for his 18 month shots and it is always so cool to hear the doctors response after I tell them Holden's story. They are always blown away.
Holden is progressing so well. He has seen all his development doctors out here and they tell me he is testing a month in advance. Such good news. His heart has normal function and has been off the meds since October.
He loves his brother Lennon. They wrestle all day long. Holden has the best gut-wrenching laugh. You can't help but laugh when you hear it. He says Mommy and dada, Uh-oh, ahhhhh (when he is hungry he opens is mouth and says ahh. So funny), he eats all day long, says dog, ball, etc. He is on the normal growth chart and is hitting 35% for both weight and height and of course 98% head.
If I could have seen this post two years ago I probably would have passed out. I never imagined I would be so blessed. I hope I will never, ever forget what a real blessing this guy is to our family. I am grateful for him and that trial.
Holden... you are the BOMB buddy.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
2011 in review
I have been a major slacker with a capital M. I am motivated to keep this blog up better thanks to my in-laws for my new camera. It makes it easier. Anyway, 2010 came and went. It really did fly by. This last year was awesome. So much better than 2010. :) My family is HEALTHY and that is a blessing. Here are some pictures of the past year. So much change has happened. This is just the tip of the iceburg.
Lennon and Holden enjoying the cold weather in Alpine, UT.

B turned 30!! I was thinking of getting him a toupee' and a Mazda Miata convertable. Maybe next year old man.
Lennon and Holden enjoying the cold weather in Alpine, UT.
B turned 30!! I was thinking of getting him a toupee' and a Mazda Miata convertable. Maybe next year old man.
NICU visit. Holden has progressed more than we ever expected. He is right on track. I love these ladies.
Holden turns ONE!! What a great celebration. I wasn't so sure I would get this lucky. Man do I love that little nugget.
Lennon turns THREE!! He is the best big brother and a mini-me. Not so sure I like it but hey... could be worse!!

Bob and Dorothy came to visit! It was so much fun having family in town. We love them so much!
My best pals paid me a visit! This was one of the best days of their visit. I almost killed myself along with my precious cargo. Well worth the laugh though :).
Camping with the best of the best at Keeywayden Island. Seriously one of the best memories ever.

Visit to Utah. So awesome to see family and friends. We got to go to Bear Lake for a week. We love it up there. Mostly love the "grown-up sleepovers". So fun.
Can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for us. We have really been enjoying our little adventure and are so grateful for our family.
Life is good.
Cheers to 2012!!
Life is good.
Cheers to 2012!!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Bobert and Dotty
** for some reason I am having problems with my blog. That is why you all haven't heard from me in a while. Hopefully I will figure it out soon. Driving me nuts.**
Grandma and Grandpa Bobert and Dotty came to visit! We were so lucky to get to spend some time with them. Lennon was in pure HEAVEN the whole time. It really made me miss home and I am so excited to come back and see them again.

The first day we went to a place called Corkscrew Sanctuary. It was awesome. It was just a big tropical swampy area with a walk way all the way through. We were able to see some cool birds, some crazy bugs and even a baby alligator. In the middle of our little excursion, we got to experience a Florida rainstorm. It DUMPED rain. It was actually really refreshing and luckily there were a bunch of shelters along the path. The rain came and went and we had a great time.
Grandma and Grandpa Bobert and Dotty came to visit! We were so lucky to get to spend some time with them. Lennon was in pure HEAVEN the whole time. It really made me miss home and I am so excited to come back and see them again.

The first day we went to a place called Corkscrew Sanctuary. It was awesome. It was just a big tropical swampy area with a walk way all the way through. We were able to see some cool birds, some crazy bugs and even a baby alligator. In the middle of our little excursion, we got to experience a Florida rainstorm. It DUMPED rain. It was actually really refreshing and luckily there were a bunch of shelters along the path. The rain came and went and we had a great time.
We got to do a lot of things we haven't done yet... like the ZOO! Lennnon and Holden loved it. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled that guy. So cute. Lennon loved being able to feed the giraffe. Pretty cool.
Holden just doing what he does best... chillin.
We got to enjoy the beach for a day. It was much needed. So relaxing and the kids loved playing in the sand with Grandma and Grandpa.
Bob and Dorothy treated our little family to a sunset cruise. It was awesome. We almost didn't make it, which wouldn't have been that awesome, but luckily with my fast driving we got there just in the nick of time. :) It was so pretty.
Our family really enjoyed having company. It was so lonely when they left. Lennon woke up ready to go into there room and jump in bed with them, and when he opened the door and noone was there, he was heart broken. We love our Bobert and Dotty! Please come and see us again. :)
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
L.I.F.E. as we know it...

Nielson joined us. He made a hole to burry Lennon and Lennon wasn't having it so we burried him. Once we got him burried I grabbed a sandwich and started throwing pieces of it around Nielse's head. The birds loved it... so did Nielse.
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Another new post.
Also, stay tuned for Grandma Dotty and Boberts visit. We had a BLAST!!
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Another new post.
Also, stay tuned for Grandma Dotty and Boberts visit. We had a BLAST!!
The other day B and I headed out with some good friends to the Everglades. It was our first time and we were excited. Our goal was to see a few gators... and folks... we saw exactly that.
I love how in the picture above, Lennon is so focused on that gator behind us. He was terrified out of his mind. He couldn't even look for a split second for a picture. I guess it is a good thing the kid is scared of one thing.

Our little visit to a podunk gator museum. No lie, the owner was cleaning his gun out front, right next to a crock pot of something amazing I'm sure. I knew it would be a winner after that.
What a cute kid he is.I love him.
All in all it was a good adventure.
Glad we did it!
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