Wednesday, August 19, 2009

more little treats...

Here are some more little gems I have made... let me know if you want any!
They are going quick folks!
well, not too fast... but unno what I mean.


maggie said...

can i get an owl print in 2T fot my niece?
Can't wait to get the boys'!
love your buns!

Jamie said...

Love the owl...Brecklyn's birthday is comin' right up (wink, wink). Let me know if you wanna use the heat press for anymore little projects.

Lyssa Beth said...

Are you selling these?! Do you have a shop or something? Just curious. They are really cute.

j,d and little b said...

the owl is SO cute! well they are all cute but the owl is my FAV

Anonymous said...

You've got some serious skills!! I love them!

Shantell said...

So cute. I may have to request a couple of owl ones for the girls. I will talk to you at the shower tonight.

